Wicked Zombies


The Zombies have to be limited to the strength and speed they had when they were living. How will the undead hordes run after you when blood coagulates and rigor mortise has set in?

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"The Zombies have to be limited to the strength and speed they had when they were living."

Ok, The brutish take on this. FIRST:

It will not be zombies running, just an a severe state of infection. I'm pretty sure the living that turns to X (=X being parasite/controlling organism/space waves from aliens/whatever it may be) while in a living state will fall in this category.

Jack and Jill run from zombies in Fairy land. Jack gets run over my little miss muppet, Jill gets bitten by an infection spider (The one that caused Miss Muppet to run in panic, OH irony).

Now zombie Jacks body dies, Circulatory system shut down, Ribs into organs. He will still reanimate from X ,but the fact that he died ends all marathon runner chances.

Jill, However, turns from the X while still alive, glands and organs still intact and moving. This is where the chance of this phenomenon will happen. and as for restraint of ability? I would have no idea where to set the scales on that one

it really does depend on whether we're talking about 28 days later living zombies or undead running zombies aka dawn of the dead remake. either way running zombies don't make sense. even if they are the rage virus running zombies. a person can only sprint at full speed for so long. and if they aren't taking care of themselves eating or drinking properly then they will very quickly be unable to move let alone run.


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