Wicked Zombies


Okay. I know this was done before. However I thought that being it was so therapeutic. I thought I would bring it back. So come on! Fly that finger high and let'er rip! Dont be shy one little bit! lol.

HELL! R. Lee Ermey does it! WHY CANT WE?! LMAO!!!

I mean just look at that smile. If it works for him. It can work for you to!!! LOL.

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Mugshot Sara Gray Beverage Anoka, MN

now THAT could scare the rats from the attic of a haunted house and the roaches from its basement. LMAO!!! the very thing that nightmares are made from. LMAO!!! can we say ZOOOMMMMBBBIIIEEEEE!!! LMAO!!! stick this in a box car full of hobos and you will see them bail out the bay doors in fear. LMAO!!!


if you put that picture in a room full of rabid pitbulls and you will have well behaved puppies afterward. LMAO!!! a lot of mess afterwards because it will scare the crap out of them. but very well behaved puppies. lol

this woman is soooo ugly that when she went to the gynecologist's office. he had doubts as to which end to work on first. then realized that the end he started on was her face, had a heart attack and died of fright. LMAO!!!


WOW this is priceless!

LMAO!!! if a pimp stuck that ugly troll out on a hooker stroll. he would go bankrupt because she would scare the traffic away. LMAO!!!

Well, this goes out to my slap-back, grease neck weeble...FUCK YOU!!!!

yeah. yeah. i got your weeble. and look! its even bald. LMAO!!!

its their JESSE GARRET model. LMAO!!!!

That;s funny as shit there....(ROFLMAO)


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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