Wicked Zombies


Many of us have gone to great lengths to prepare ourselves from the coming zombie apocalypse from putting food away to arming our selves discussing the best way to destroy the brain. so in the spirit of perpetration i would like to talk about another kind of security digital. the internet is such a huge part of our lives in fact its how we all know each other. but so many of us no so little about it. we think its secure but the truth is any half way decent hacker can not only tell what were looking at at any given time on the internet but what were doing our most private sessions. even here on wicked zombies. we joke some times about what if the government was watching us well turns out not only is the government mentoring most what we do so is your serous provider and many other. now I'm not trying to make anyone paranoid but with all the things coming out lately like the nsa black budget. the fact that they've been working with windows since way back in windows 2000. and may have installed back doors in the windows system. and did you know that by law any email you keep on a public email server that has been there for more then hundred days is legally abandoned. which means all any branch of the government or law enforcement needs to do is send a written letter that its relevant to an investigation and bingo they got it no judge any cop can send out a letter and ready almost anything you email. now there's the old saying i you have nothing to hide then you shouldn't mind that people are spying on you. but i say this if I've done nothing wrong then you shouldn't have the right to spy on me. with hat in mind i am urging all of you use encryption when ever you can for as much as you can. we won the crypto wars decades ago, meaning we have the right to encrypt anything we damn well please.

now there are lots of kinds put what I'm going to talk about is pgp or pretty good protection. now its completely open source so no one entity is controlling it and its easy. it uses unlike normal encryption where you need a password to encrypt something and then the same password it uses to decrypt it. this uses two different keys public and private. now to explain this better i give you over to a video of people smarter then me showing you an easy way to encrypt your email.

now for use here on wicked zombies for things like our private messages and maybe even forum posts there are many other programs do a search and find the one you like the best they all work together. i like pgp4win its a simple set up and use program even comes prei nstalled with its own pgp friendly email client. so once everyone installs a pgp system we can then exchange public keys and send out posts that look like this.

Version: GnuPG v2.0.21 (MingW32)


copy that into your pgp program of choice and as long as we have exchanged public keys you will be able to decrypt this. so i really think we should start using this if for no other reason then its fun and a screw you to the government. also i need people i can send encrypted stuff to. i have the technology but no one to use it with. so if you think this is cool set it up and pm me your private key. here's mine for all of you to know. it's attached as a file to this post.

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never drink the water man come on thats day one stuff, or ice or eat the food if it's not from a five start resort. lol yeah bull fights are cool.

LOL. i know. but when i went. i was like 19 years old and elt myself indestructible. so on a dare from my friends. i drank a whole 2 liter bottle straight down of tap water. in less then 5 minutes my stomach rumbled. in less time then that i was shitting like a green goose full of EX-LAX. lol. damn toilet looked sand blasted by the time i got done there. LMAO!!!


   They want us to use less power, this year people have been using less. What happened when this happened, the power companies raised their rates because of less usage per household...

   With committies and all sorts of groups and even the people fighting to stop this, the government approved the rate hike. 

   So even if we fight, they still do what they want. Why?? GREED...Every politician is laying with wolves they are supposed to be fighting against. 

   I'll tell you what's going to happen, we're going to have another civil war, it'll be the people versus the government. It won't happen in our time, or even in my kid's time, maybe my grandkids will see it. But it's going to be a bloody and long fight in which no other country will want to touch. 

   We have grown so accustomed to letting the government handle all this bullshit, that they've taken upon themselves to regulate shit that not only keeps the poor in the poor house, but it only benefits those within the government. I think when the "We the People" decide to actually wake up and begin picking their battles, starting with the small battles and get the small victories. Once they begin getting the small victories, that's when they'll start gaining the people they need to ensure the victory within the larger battles dealing with government.

   Hell, signing petition after petition ain't shit. Been there, done that, only to see the efforts and the energy I've put into something I believed in be shot down, not be the people we're fighting against, but by the people who started the fight. You need people within a fight that ain't going to jump ship when that fucking green monster is being flashed in their faces. That's what has happened to a lot of those that have fought and fought and fought. Someone who started the fight, got a following and those follwers started fighting so hard that a change was about to be made, then the big dogs walk in waving that almighty dollar around, those that begin the fight take the dollar and run. Leaving way to many soldiers out in the dry and the movement dies.

   Then when someone tries to pick up the fight, those who still believe in the cause, just say fuck it. We fought and fought for our cause and to let it all be taken away by someone carrying the almighty dollar...

   That's why I just sit back and watch. I've been there and tried fighting. I actually fought for a cause. Fought for the damn thing for 18 years. At the age of 18 I started fighting, by the time I reach 36, I saw bribes and other shit happen and saw the cause go belly up. That's watching even the die hardest fighter just roll over and give up. I'm tired of fighting and seeing the same shit happen over and over.

   Come on, the million man march. From the news and reports have said, there wasn't even a million people there. It was less then a few hundred thousand people. There was more bikers in the tribute ride then the million man march and the riot of California combined. 

   So there's a lot of us, like Rhino that have decided to keep our own people safe and defend our own people. FUCK the rest of the idiots.

maybe its the folly of youth but i don't fell like giving up. I'll keep fighting even if its only just me, even if i can't do a god damn thing. i sure as hell ain't gonna make it easy on those bastards. thats why i do everything it takes to keep my self private on the intent. I'm sure they got a file of all my shit but guess what that aint me. it's my goggle name Jake go fuck yourself seriously thats my goggle account name. fuck Google, Facebook and the nsa. so in the words of N.W.A!

Fuck da police

and just to make sure they heard, I said fuck the police but with a little more force
And maybe now I get my point across!

   We haven't given up, we've changed our fight. instead of trying to fight for others we have decided to fight for ourselves and our families.

   Youth is always fun. You're always so gun-ho to try and make a difference, but after so long of trying to get or make something change, you'll learn that the world is based off of the almighty dollar. From county to city to state and even federal government is all based off of greed and the almighty dollar.

   Hell, back in the day, Senators and Reps weren't making hundreds of thousands of dollars just sitting on their asses. Hell watch the government channel that has the Senate and the reps on 24/7. There's never anyone in those chairs. Or if there is, I bet there's never over 20 to 25 people tops.

   Hell, the only time capital hill is full, thats the senate and house of reps, is when Obama is there...The rest of the time, the places are empty....

   Youth is supposed to pick up the fight from us old fucks...(LOL) Fight till your last breathe my friend...

Thing is I am doing this for me. Becuause I don't like having every time I scratch my ass monitured by hundred fucking people. If I could make it just for me I would. But as it stands to help my self I have to help a lot of other fucking dush bags who won't even apresheate it. But that's life what can you do.

Hey I'm making a new group just to talk about this stuff and share ways to stick it to the man. You want to join?

here is the symbol of my new group, tell me what you think.

and in case any of you have seen it before yes this is the tattoo on my forearm or what it would look like completed. there's a very good reason for that,

looks cool. when will you have the group up?

soon soon just gotta think a few topics first.

If anything was to change in my lifetime with government, I would appreciate it to the fullest. But there will always be people that could careless if things changed or not.

   As long as you follow your heart, you fight with your spirit and believe in what you're fighting for, maybe something will cause a spark and you'll be the cause of a large change or start a small string of victories. 


thats the way bro thats the way. and in my new group Silvana I'm going to show ways to help fight back as well as legally subvert government surveillance both on the internet and in IR! as soon as the group is approved. hey you ever get that pgp encryption installed we should try it out if you have send me your key bro.


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   Well, wanted to juststop in and check on things...Been a long time since I have stopped by...Well things are not going as well as I would have hoped, but, you know, that's life...

   Some good things are my son, has turned 18 and has also graduated high school...I'm very proud of him...He has plans of going back to school after the getting a job and saving money for the school with the music production studies he wants to do...So I am very proud of…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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