Wicked Zombies


When most people think of the zombie apocalypse. They think of returning to a primitive sate, with very little to no technology. Which is understandable why people will think this. with many of the major power grids going down to lack of maintenance. A complete break down in commerce and trade means acquiring and making new and complicated technology all but imposable. However that does not mean that we lose the knowledge and supply's that we already have. While there maybe something romantic, about fighting off hordes of zombies with just a machete and a handgun. It is impractical.

Humans have made it to the top of the food chain. Not through brute strength or physical endurance. But instead through our brains and wits. The one thing a zombie can never have, unless he eats yours. So until those mighty brains of yours get scooped out like so much spam in can, use it. The military has seen the potential of drones to drastically alter the course of battle. With everything from surveillance to offense and supply delivery being done by drones. The same things that make drones so valuable in war against ourselves. Still hold true in our battle against the undead.

While military grade drones that can fly half way around the world and carry enough ordinance of level a city block may be difficult to find. Commercially available drones are easier to get then ever before. For the price of a few hundred bucks anyone can buy a drone capable of flying hundreds of feet into the air and miles away. And with only the most basic of technical know how you too can even construct your own drone to fit your individual needs.

One of the most amazing things about drones are their customizable nature. Most are already equipped with a cameras for surveying areas hostel or out of reach to you and your group. With an eye in the sky you can easily monitor the movement of hordes of the undead. Just as easily as you can that of hostel survivors. As the game call of duty advanced warfare shows. Drones can be very adept at distracting zombies. quad-copters four propellers already make a distinctive sound that can be quite loud in an other wise quit post apocalypse. Add into that a siren the size of your thumb,and you have a flying zombie magnet. Perfect for leading hordes away from your camp. Or for gathering them in one spot for extermination. Micro drones like this one,


that i currently own. Weigh next to nothing. Fit in the palm of your hand and recharge off off of any USB device in just under 15 minuets. All this makes them perfect for louring those pesky zombies away from guarding that big cash of food you need.

In addition to all the things drones can do normally. Several industrious individuals have attached firearms to regular commercial drones turning them into fly centuries. You can control from the safety of your strong hold. Everything form 12 gauge automatic shotguns, to 9 mill SMG's have been placed on drones. Imagine an army of these flying merchants of death, clearing out clusters of zombies without you having to lift a finger. Off of the joystick that is.

So what do you think? as drones become lighter, cheaper and more powerful. Do you plan on adding a drone to your survival strategy? If so, what kind and How will you use it?! Disagree with the use of drones in a zombie apocalypse. Tell so why, we want to hear from you!

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here's a video of a gun being fire remotely from a drone, apparently it was made by a 18 year old kid form his collage course. it would be so easy to have a fleet of these things mowing down zombies.

perfect tool for recon.

i know right and the guys behind guns and gardens the guys from the diy zombie YouTube stuff awhile back, have created an all but indestructible drone, check it out.


yeah they have a whole drone series game of drones i think its called. if i remember correctly they even rigged a paintball gun to fire remotely from a drone and chased someone down with it. 

yeah, we're just now starting to see the potential of drones beyond surveillance.  i'd say that acquiring several for various roles would be a great thing for a zpoc. 

yeah i know i;m saving up fro a few, surveillance, distraction and offensive. I'd like to have at least one of each. or an easy way to make them interchangeable. so one can serve multiple rolls. 

in that case, save up for one that's more durable, offers larger payload options and other bells and whistles.  i'd get as many as three just to be sure.  another skilled operator could work with you to do some recon/target engagment situations, for example.

yeah i definitely want three but i also want them to be interchangeable for the jobs. so that if one gets broken or lost i haven't lost its ability's. like having a surveillance and an offensive but no distraction. I'd also love to build one my self maybe using the indestructible frames from game of drones. that way I'll know how to fix them if they ever brake and they will.also I'll be able to fully customize them.

yeah, i kinda figured i wouldn't need to point that out to you.  you're a very DIY kinda guy.  i'd also look into making them semi-autonomous and seeing what sort of programming i could add to one.

i did see something a while back where some MIT guys made a system that flew one of those small toy helicopter drones autonomously. but it seamed hard as fuck to pull off but would be awesome.

think of a simple program.  assign it to maintain a certain distance and height from the operator.  that way you've got forward intel while you're on the move.  with the right software and tools, you could even set it up with a motion detector and target tracking.  and these are just for combat related applications :)


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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