Wicked Zombies


its a semi low budget zombie flim ( something you would see on syfy*scifi* or FX) its about a guy who goes to college and joins a frat with a limited number of members ( i wanna say four) but they are all zombies and as he discovers this he also finds out that they can be killed by salt and he kills one of them by add salt to his beer.

sorry if the detailing is weak and not enough but that's all i can recall from the movie

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Maybe Komrad Sunyak would know.
I have seen a trailer for that on this site before I think when I first joined. Is it American? Help us Sunyak.
OH MR. SUNYAK.... i believe this one is right up your alley. i would help brother but i am at a loss here. sorry.
Yes it is an american movie
oh, then I have no idea, Damn I never am any help
I will ask my friend Undead on Horror-Hill, he should know.
Sorry, I havent seen this one before.
We've been wondering about a movie we rented from Blockbuster about 5 years ago. It started out with some really lanky gang banger looking guy hanging out in his house then there were suddenly zombies. It's really low budget. There is a scene where he's running through a long aisle in a warehouse and he's kicking at zombies. The guys legs were clearly not making contact it was so poorly done. Blockbuster had it featured like it was something really awesome. I'm pretty sure Scat said that they had tons of them.

Is there a "What's this zombie movie thread?"
Don't forget that I later watched the commentary for some reason and the director said that those were the practice takes but they were tired so they used them instead of actually filming the fighting scenes for real. It was so bad, but yet I wanna see it again. WTF was it called damn it?! Now we got 2 movies to figure out. Damn Balthazzar, we got memories dude!
i see we didnt figure it out yet. they both sound at best, interesting. lol. hope you find out soon. i wanna see them to.
I just spent 45 minutes on IMDB/Amazon desperately trying to find ours.
I looked through my vast collection and even the wiki list of zombie movies and nothing pop out in my head screaming " HEY I'M THAT MOVIE" I thought it might have been something like Zombie U. or Fraternity of Ghouls but nooooooooooooooooo


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