Wicked Zombies


Anxiety disorder combined with zombie apocalypse...What would you do?

I don't pretend to be all intense and hardcore. I'm fairly sensitive and I have serious anxiety disorder. So in the event of total chaos, I'm not so sure how I'd react. That may sound weak, but it's the truth. I get flipped out when my house makes noises. So being faced with something that wants to eat my brains is pretty dang panic inducing. I'm good in a situation that requires a cool head, like when someone is hurt or regular everyday events go a little awry. However, when something flips me out, I almost freeze. I don't want to be zombie food.


So in all honesty here, anyone else have a slight fear that they would panic? I know that there are a ton of you who are completely prepared for disaster but unless you're truly faced with it, do you KNOW you would do okay or are you just hoping? Anyone else want to discuss the issue of anxiety disorder and disaster? I would like to know if anyone has any ideas of how to cope in a really, really bad situation.

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Natural Remedies for Anxiety

By , About.com Guide


What is Anxiety?

Although it's normal to feel anxious from time to time, if you feel anxious without reason and if these worries persist and affect your day-to-day life, you may have generalized anxiety disorder.

Symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder may include restlessness, feeling tense or on edge, irritability, impatience, or poor concentration.

People may also notice changes in their physical health such as headaches, jaw pain, muscle tension, difficulty falling or staying asleep (insomnia), dry mouth, fatigue, chest tightness, indigestion, bloating, excessive sweating, and headache.

It's important to be evaluated by your doctor for a proper diagnosis and to rule out other medical problems that may resemble anxiety.

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

These are some of the natural remedies that are being explored for anxiety.



The herb valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is best known as a herbal remedy for insomnia. Valerian is also used in patients with mild anxiety, but the research supporting its use for anxiety is limited.

For example, researchers with the Cochrane Collaboration reviewed studies on valerian for anxiety. Only one study met their quality criteria. It was a four-week study comparing valerian, the medication diazepam (Valium), and a placebo in 36 people with generalized anxiety disorder. No statistically signficant differences were found between the groups, perhaps due to the small size of the study.

Valerian is usually taken an hour before bedtime. It takes about two to three weeks to work and shouldn't be used for more than three months at a time. Side effects of valerian may include mild indigestion, headache, palpitations, and dizziness. Although valerian tea and liquid extracts are available, most people don't like the smell of valerian and prefer taking the capsule form.

Valerian shouldn't be taken with many medications, especially those that depress the central nervous system, such as sedatives and antihistamines. Valerian shouldn't be taken with alcohol, before or after surgery, or by people with liver disease. It should not be used before driving or operating machinery. Consultation with a qualified health practitioner is recommended. For more information about valerian, read the Valerian Fact Sheet.



Native to Polynesia, the herb kava (Piper methysticum) has been found to have anti-anxiety effects in humans.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), however, has issued an advisory to consumers about the potential risk of severe liver injury resulting from the use of dietary supplements containing kava. To date, there have been more than 25 reports of serious adverse effects from kava use in other countries, including four patients who required liver transplants. Learn more about kava; What is Kava?


Gamma-aminobutyric Acid (GABA)

GABA is an amino acid that is known to play a role in the physiology of anxiety. Some prescription drugs for anxiety work by affecting GABA receptors in the brain. The degree to which orally ingested GABA supplements can reach the brain, however, is unknown.




Plant essential oils can be added to baths, massage oil, or infusers. Essential oils that are used for anxiety and nervous tension are: bergamot, cypress, geranium, jasmine, lavender, melissa, neroli, rose, sandalwood, ylang-ylang. Lavender is the most common and forms the base of many relaxing blends.

What is Aromatherapy?
Tips on Buying Essential Oils
Using Essential Oils Safely


Other Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Pantothenic acid
B vitamins


Kasumalley have you tried any of the Natural Remedies for your Anxiety Disorder?

I haven't because of my anti-epileptic meds. They can interact so I in general don't take anything else. Like anything that effects the liver is something that I have to avoid because the chances of damaged liver funtion when taking AE's is greater. Have to have liver function tests once a year when you're on them. But there are some things here I can try. I have tried lavender, but I think I am going to grow some in my garden. Try to use it around the house. Thank you for all the info. We need to add this to that post of natural remedies and living. I can't remember what it was called.
aromatherapy does not interact with meds. its basically using scents and smells to relax anxiety. when i get stressed out or feel the beast in me about to break out. i just light a scented candle and sit in a dark room and just breath deep the scent it gives off. really relaxing when it comes down to it. helps me a lot with any anger issues i may have.
Right. I use these burners my cousin sells. They're called Scentsy. The wax you put into them is made with essential oils and I have one that is lavender. I think I'll put it on tonight. See if it helps when I go to bed. I really recommend Scentsy to anyone. I believe it's made with soy and essential oils and it burns at a much lower temperature. They smell way better than candles. It's a good way to trick people into thinking you bake with their cinnamon and vanilla smells. ;)
lol Word. You are funny. ;)

My impression of Z-Day events.

With zombies after us we will ALL have anxiety disorders.
possible but not for certain. granted it will be hard on us all. but there are a few who can hold strong.
I would be stressed as all hell but i will stay strong for my family and friends.


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