Wicked Zombies


Anxiety disorder combined with zombie apocalypse...What would you do?

I don't pretend to be all intense and hardcore. I'm fairly sensitive and I have serious anxiety disorder. So in the event of total chaos, I'm not so sure how I'd react. That may sound weak, but it's the truth. I get flipped out when my house makes noises. So being faced with something that wants to eat my brains is pretty dang panic inducing. I'm good in a situation that requires a cool head, like when someone is hurt or regular everyday events go a little awry. However, when something flips me out, I almost freeze. I don't want to be zombie food.


So in all honesty here, anyone else have a slight fear that they would panic? I know that there are a ton of you who are completely prepared for disaster but unless you're truly faced with it, do you KNOW you would do okay or are you just hoping? Anyone else want to discuss the issue of anxiety disorder and disaster? I would like to know if anyone has any ideas of how to cope in a really, really bad situation.

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well Kas. you said you have kids. let them be your focus. let them be your center of attention. if you concentrate on them, it may help you in helping them survive. after all kids do look to mom and dad as to what to do in a disaster situation. that is what will help me keep my mind on what i am doing. my mom can barely walk. dad has bad knees. my niece tends to live in outer space (like most kids). with all this going on and a new wife not really familiar with how the USA works quite yet. i will need to be the ground wire for my family. if i dont, we will be doomed before we get going. so being a parent, you will need to be the same foundation like Scat will.
That's what I think about when I think about this issue. The problem is it's this physical, uncontrollable urge to freeze dead in my tracks that gets me. I have to hope that should anything occur, freezing and gathering my thoughts/courage will be at least a momentary option. Luckily, I only have one kid who is typically here to worry about right away. I think should something go on I'd most likely be home, by myself and have to figure out a way to keep intruders out and hope that Scat gets home to me because I have no car. We happen to now live in the part of town that is right on the edge of all the houses and we'd have a chance of being able to sneak out faster than other people if that were necessary. But the whole being home by myself with no car is what makes me really wonder if I could truly handle it. (You remember my phantom possum in the freezer story. ;) )
Lucky for me my panic quickly turns to anger. As long as I can stay rational then all will be fine. I know when it's time to fight and when time haul ass. Besides, it will be the police or military that will surely be everybody on this sites undoing during the rising anyway. Hard to prepare for a force like that. Bring on the dead!
I think I need to take a real self defense course instead of watching you teach our 3 year old how to fight MMA style. ;)
a real self defense course would help a great deal. it will also teach focus and self control. and one more note. dont underestimate yourself when it comes to you and protecting your child. when the SHTF your motherly instinct to protect your child will make you stronger, faster, and more resourceful then you realize.
I do agree with that. I think part of my problem right now is more that I'm being forced to adjust in an environment that isn't quite complete to live in yet. I don't have all of the basics set up and when something feels wrong here in our new house it feels really wrong because I don't have all of my normal comforts around. If that makes sense. Just need to get more adjusted and set up before I go judging myself. I am very protective of my daughter.

But let's pose the question, what if someone is in this situation with no kids or no family to protect? Having bad, bad anxiety is a serious problem and there are surely many people out there who would like to kick that in the behind in order to survive, just like people without. We still have a lot to contribute even though we have problems.

Right now I'm just trying to work on breathing. ;) I find that the freezing typically involves my breathing stopping suddenly and then going all crazy. I think that breathing exercises will really help to control my reflexes when I'm freaked out by phantom possums OR zombie chimpanzee neighbor ladies.
one thing that will help with the breathing factor is Yoga. Yoga helps a person gain control of ones inner self through different breathing practices. along with the discipline of a good self defense course, this could be what you are looking for.
Another thing Kas' ex-police officer father makes me do is practice maneuvering thru my home with weapons. Particularly long barreled like my shot gun. I believe Kas should do the same. I wanna get her a nice 20 gauge. It did help me once when my gun was in the back and I needed it in the front and by the time I got to the weapon I was unsure of location of dooshes so I had to quickly make my way back to front going down narrow hallway with objects and shelving in the way. Not easy when you wanna shoot bad guys and not your family. That situation worked itself out, but the practice really mattered.
This is true. When I had to get the shotgun out because I just KNEW there was someone in the garage (there wasn't...) I was more than flipped out to walk through the house with the gun. I have always had a slight fear of guns. I need something I can whack someone with and some practice with something maybe not so hardcore. That thing is so heavy for me.

if i may make a suggestion. a 410 shotgun would be just the thing for you Kas. its not real heavy and is just as lethal in close quarters combat. i can hook you up. here is what i would line you up with. its called the Snake Charmer.

this picture shows how big it is in contrast to the average man.

the company has changed the stock design since these pics but it is still the same size. the only change is the stock has a better way of getting to the extra shells. here is the new design.

a way better design. and still of small size for a tiny gal like yourself Kas. let me know if you are interested. like i said before. i'll hook you up.

Thats a good point, kas. Any type of thing like anxiety would feel magnified 10x in the event of a situation like this. It would be hard to stay focused but its the only option.

i would probably panic but then slap myself and be like "HEY! WAKE UP IT HAPPENED" then go kill zombies :)


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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