Wicked Zombies


This concept is very unpopular in the zombie community, but to me it is one of the biggest threats. In many of the stories I have read more than just the humans become reanimated, all life does. A large group of undead rats can really mess up your day. It would eliminate most of our food supply also. Having a zombie bird chasing you would not be cool either. If it were to spread into insects it would be over real quick. A zombie gorilla busting out of the zoo and breaking into your house would be weird right? How can you shoot a small animal in the brain if its brain is the size of a walnut. The forest would more dangerous than Manhattan at that point. Laugh all you want, but an undead gecko hiding in your pants might make you cry.

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i learned a long time ago not to underestimate a single thing, not even when it comes to zombies. i feel if it is a virus then eventually it can, and will, cross strains to animals. reason i feel this way is because even an animal like a dog or cat can catch the common cold and the influenza virus. so if what makes a zombie is a viral thing? whats to say that cant be contracted by an animal to? as it is, most of us are going by what we see in movies. even Max Brooks when he wrote THE ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GUIDE was working on conjectuer and speculation on the "ZOMBIE VIRUS" and how it works. however. logic and common sense says that if a man can get it, so can an animal. so to be on the safe side. its best to leave the mind open for any and all things that can happen. including a zombie animal.
I can see that as being an entirely different reality. Undead insects then forget about it. We're done. Undead Rats too. Except I'd expect the zombie rats would only want meat. Like all Zombies and..in most of the literature I've read a human Zombie wanted human flesh..could we not expect the same from an undead rat? If not then yea we're done for. At least a humanoid Zombie has the same limitations as we do. Undead birds or mice can get anywhere. I still only think of it terms of a human thing. I've always seen it as a virus of some sort and most viruses are specific to one species..most though not all. The cold and flu while animals get them they get the animal versions and rarely to they jump species. Here's hoping anyway.
i figure that if its a virus that then and only then do you have to worry about it jumping species. but if something we overlook like radiation of some kind or other unknown element, then the cards are still in our favor. as it is, i think it will be an on going problem that will last for as long as mankind does. i mean look at the Resident Evil movies. that zombie apocolypse started with a virus. man made, yes. but still a virus. in todays times one cant rule anything out. by leaving even the illogical open for a possiblity, then and only then can you cover all grounds. one thing we know for sure when it comes to insects and virus's is this. so far the only thing an insect can do is be a carrier. so if it is a virus that causes a zombie to happen, then i doubt it will effect the insect world. however being a carrier, they can spread the virus around like malaria or typhoid though and in record time. one thing to look at when it does come to viral infection and insects is this. the insects body tends to weaken the pathegeon to a degree. so through insects, an anit virus can be made much like with typhoid and malaria. so as long as we have the means to keep fighting even on a scientific level, i believe humanity can still thrive and prosper and still be the dominant species on earth.
I gotta know what book that was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that was a movie.

not as good as the first House Of The Dead but not a total bomb either. lol.
I have to agree that if animals suffer from infection the odds of survival has nearly halved. The dismal scenario of bugs karrying the virus makes the only hospitable area in the world extreme altitudes where no animal would dare travel, and the depths of the sea. Both are nearly impossible to inhabit, but precautions must be taken. If animals begin to become infected, we must isolate kertain populations and raise them along side us to make sure we have food sources and ensure the survival of the natural food khain once the infected have disappeared. As far as fighting infected animals is koncerned, it is a very tedious process, a biological weapon, perhaps airborne, must be employed to ward off insects and small vermin.


lol,i think i have this in my album :)



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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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