Wicked Zombies


okay well lets assume that you have been surviving the horde and to your dismay you have run out of whatever you are addicted to,what is it that you are addicted to and what do you do to get some more of it?

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well look no further komrad. i can show you me. i made it a point in this world to not be an addict to anything. reason being if it dont exist, it cant be held over your head later or used to expoit or grab you by the balls later with in life. thats why i dont drink, smoke, use meds in excess, illegal substances, and one thing i never do is gamble. hell brother i only buy between 2 and 3 lottery tickets in a whole year if that. if its not a needed thing then i dont have it around.
Are you sure you are not addicted to not being addicted?
if not being addicted IS an addiction then its the best addiction in the world to have. if we all had that kind of addiction then drug dealers would be out of business. true or no? alcohol use and DUI's would be a thing of the past or non existant. yes or no? so is non addiction a bad addiction in the long run or the best thing to have??
it's actually very impressive man, it will be hard for me to feel sorry for the all the true drug addicts when they are losing their shit once the rising begins

if they survive the zombies and the detoxing of the booze or drugs they were hooked on, they will find the fall of civilized man to be the best thing for them. reason being they will have no choice but to dry up and face the world with a sober eye. it seems some people dont understand that no matter what their poison is, the world and all its nasty ways will always be there when they come back down from their drug of choice. i dont mean to sound like i'm riding a high horse, dont get me wrong. i just believe in dealing with things the way they are and living in a way that no man can enslave me. alcohol, tobaco, drugs, if one is hooked then another person will always have the final say over you. where are you truely free there? as long as they have a supply, your always dancing to their tune for what they got that your hooked on. when the dead rise, you got to be able to move freely to live and not according to where the next fix is. so kicking all of ones addictions in the ass ahead of time while it can be done one step at a time is the best thing to do here. because if not, then god help you, there is always the hard way to do it. and no time for a step by step program.
I'd be so sad if I didn't have a Dr. Pepper every once in a while. I love them. I also love some chocolate too. There are other things I'd miss, but I think those two would pop up in my mind the most if I couldn't get them.

The coke machine at our office building is broke and I can't walk to get DP's. It's driving me nuts. lol I completely don't feel bad about being addicted to DPs and chocolate. ;)
I'm a smoker (cigarettes) but i really dont smoke that much not like i used to and i thought about when z-day strikes what would i do with out my tobacoo... well i got an answer i went out got a food saver and packed away three cartons, about 10 packs of loose tobacco and plenty of non-glue striped rolling papers.

Next to that i have gotten use to not drinking coffee everyday i'm down to once a week, but then there is still my music needless to say im going to have to have a generator and my laptop where ever i go to keep my ipod running lol
Yes, ipods would be a sad, sad thing to lose. I've gotten in the habit of falling asleep with mine on a super mellow playlist at night. Only I have these massive serious headphones that are uncomfortable to pass out in. Had a migraine all day because of it.

I would miss my arts supplies and fabrics/fibers if I had to leave them. I'm addicted to creating/sewing/spinning yarn and other arts.

Here's a cheer for y'a Balthazzar, "Yaaaayyyy! No smoking!" Then you don't have to worry about it. You could replace coffee and cigs with a stock up of DP and chocolate. ;) Scatoma stopped smoking and I was shocked at how well he did it. That was 6 years ago almost. I'm proud of him.
Maybe Scat should by you an alpaca so you would still be able to make your own yarn and knit sweaters ... just a thought lol

but i know what you mean, my art is writting i keep a journal with me at all times even when i go to shower it's in the room with me resting upon my clean clothes. its like having a cell phone with me that never works lol
I do like knowing that if I had to find ways to make clothes in a bad situation I could. From fibers to finished project. It doesn't take a lot. It's been done for thousands of years now. But I'd be desperately sad without those things if I lost them. I have a bunch too. I've taken up half of our dining room with a studio type space.

I told him that you said he should get me an alpaca. He said we can keep it on our two patios. About time someone encouraged that though. LOL I'd LOVE my own fuzzy alpaca.

What do you draw if you don't mind me asking?
my drawings are mostly random shapes and designs like an odd mixture of tribal tattoos and new age impressionism ( big word), or weapon ideas for a few of my friends who still roleplay ie armour, swords, guns stuff like that. I try to stay away from doing faces hands and feet just can't get them down.

My writting is mostly horror/sci-fi/fantasy and has pretty much stayed in short story form forever lol
So I'm assuming that the drawings in your photos are yours?


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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