Wicked Zombies


Can a virus be produced to effect the undead and kill them?

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I wouldn't think so yea they can spread their own contagion because they are full of bacteria but with out a working circulatory system I don't see it happening!
if one can be made. it would have to work on the decay factor. something that will speed up the decompostion of a zombie. much like the "flesh eating virus" but much nastier and more agressive.
yea I like your idea maybe something like a powder that could dissolve instantly and continue to progress through the zombified subject and have it inert to the nonzombified matter.
exactly my point. something that not only works to speed up the decomposing process but would only feed on the zombies and not the living. if made in a powder or liquid form, it could be dropped from a plane like a crop duster. they would be ideal for this purpose.then all we would have to do is go from buliding to building clearing out the ones that didnt get the pathageon on them. i figure if a scientist were to "reconfigure" the flesh eating virus if you will, then it can be used to help mankind instead of destroy it. with the right equipment, they can reconfigure the virus to only feed on dead flesh instead of living flesh. then take a crop duster to distribute it in mass dose all over where the zombies are the heaviest. i figure make it in powder form because it can cover more ground by the wind blowing it after the drop and powder takes up less space and uses less fuel to carry it. but you are reading my idea exactly.
Then again Mother Nature tends to get mad when we mess with her system. After we destroyed the undead the power would somehow react with either the still living or cause part of the undead to change or alter becoming stronger or smarter.

I would think some sie effect would happen after dropping so much of that power over so much of the world, problems would arise!
i wouldnt rule it out. they re-engineer viruses all the time. the rabies vacine is nothing more then the rabies virus altered. so if the flesh eating virus can be re-engineered to eat dead flesh and at an rapid rate of speed, then i dont see where it cant be used.
Virus' only need functioning cells, which the undead have. A virus that causes the undead to decay, or causes whatever is keeping them alive to decay is a plausible idea.
and if the flesh eating virus is re-engineered to eat only undead flesh at an excellerated rate then even better. in my eyes there is no reason it shouldn't work. the ultimate answer to the ultimate threat to the human race.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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