What Is Your Zombie Proof Gear?

There are several options available to the general consumer now, the pre-war time. Hockey and sports gear just will not cut it. Some offer large amounts of padding, and others offer protective hard shells. Damascus Gear FlexForce is a fine set of protective gear. Billed as riot gear or crowd control gear, it will offer considerable protection against small melee battles with zombies.
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    Cobra Kommander

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      i will leave that one alone. to much of a loaded gun for me. lol.
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        as much as i would love a full suit of riot armor or some fall out inspired metal welded raider gear. I think the basic wardrobe for those surviving will be heavy sturdy clothing like denim jeans and thick coats like leather or again denim. the apocalypse might have people going around looking like there strait out of a faith hill concert. you want to protect the areas your most likely to be get bit. which considering the limitation of the human/zombie body is most likely. hands, forearms, shins, neck and face.

        so long sleeve clothing made out of strong woven material is a must. you don't need to be able to stop a knife jabbed at you at 40 miles an hour. just something to keep teeth from sinking into you long enough for you to react. If zombie movies have taught us anything its that either get bitten when your taken by surprise. that one lone walker that that manages to sneak up on you when you guard is down.,and get into your soft flesh before you can push it away. or when your getting swarmed by so many of the bastard the the best armor on the world isn't going to protect you. in the situation your just dead, or undead in this case. so better to plan for the one you can actually survive.

        gloves sturdy walking shoes or boots. long sleeve pants shirts and jackets all made of a non-cotton preferably thickly woven material. the only actual specialty armor i would consider getting is a throat guard. as your neck is the most like place to be bit if your confronted face to face with a walker. if just for where the zombies main weapon 9its teeth (duh) and your body meet up. there's a reason loves like to kiss on and snuggle into each neck slash shoulder. there are plenty of kinds ot get from paintball to motorcycle of fencing. just make sure its somewhat ridged comfertable and can breath. you dont want o have to take it off because it gets to sweaty.